At Pembina Controls we carry and stock all the necessary parts & accessories to keep your monitors working and you in the field.
- O2 Sensor
- LEL Sensor (IR)
- LEL Sensor (Pellistor)
- Dual Tox Sensor (H2S & CO)
- Dock Charger
- MGC Vehicle Charger
- MGC Charging Station
- MGC Pump Charging Station
- MGC Multi Charger
- GCT IR Link w/USB Cable
- GCT IR Link Spare USB Cable
Confined Space Kits
- MGC Confined Space Kit w/Gas
- MGC Confined Space Kit
- MGC Simple Confined Space Kit w/Gas
- MGC Simple Confined Space Kit
Hand Aspirator Kits
- Multi Gas Clip Hand Aspirator Kit
MGC Probes
- Remote Sampling Probe
- Telescoping Sampling Probe
- Neoprene case for use with MGC Pump/Telescoping Probe Combo